A quick lesson
1 hour ago
Ramblings from Scotland about how I could stop recreational shopping and only buy "needs" not "wants, money saving, having a budget and keeping to it and frugal tips...
I have just discovered this blogger app so bear with me & i will try to upload before and after photos of my de-cluttering attempts using the Marie Kondo idea of only having posessions that inspire joy...
So on that note I attacked my too-small wardrobe - now regular readers now I have lost 4 stones and whilst on my diet journey I was putting away clothes I came across in jumlbe sales and car boots that I would like to get into.....the problem about losing so much is when you are bigger you have an idea of what you want to wear when you lost weight - however, when you lost that weight those clothes might no longer be what you want to wear and this has happened to me. So in my de-cluttering last night I put 11 (yes 11!) tops into the car boot pile!Ongoing de-clutter total - 30 Money from sales - £3 (sold my iron!)
Spag bolog
Prawns/jacket pots
Turkey curry
Macaroni cheese
Barbecue chicken wings
JambalayaMost involve left overs from Christmas. Wrote out a shopping list to accompany these and decided not to go to Asda as too many temptations so just went to our local Co-op - bought exactly what was on my list (thats a first for a long time! lol) - I spent £30, got £3 off by using my Student discount card and had a £3 voucher off so it only cost £24 for the week! The Co-op is more expensive but I am not tempted by lots of offers so with the discounts it worked out much better. Next week will be dearer as there are meals to be made for me and dd but will have to buy stuff for dh (dodgy tum) but will work on the same principle of the spreadsheet and see how it goes.
So wrote what we had on a spreadsheet under 7 headings
Mains ie meat, fish, chicken etc
Sides, such as veg, beans etc
Carbs, ie potaotes, chips, rice , bread etc
Sauces ie curry,stir-fry etc
Portions or frozen mealsThen at the end I made up a heading of Meals and then under another heading Shopping.
Went through everything we had to easily make up 7 meals, added any wee bits we needed to the shopping list and Robert is your mothers brother! Highlighted anything we were going to used for the meals and once the week is over I will take off those things
Once I can get my cupboards and freezers down I can take advantage of whatever is on special offers and both dd and oh will muck in with the menus instead of leaving me to think of everything
Well - thats the plan anyway!! Will post my menu and this weeks shopping list onces I have the go-ahead from the troops!