Tuesday, 22 February 2011


Funny day today - my driving lesson wasn't until 12 so mooched around tidying up (the lesson actually didn't go too bad!) and then had a tea with my friend and decided to bake (after the mutterings last week)
Made jam muffins (basic muffins with a blob of jam in the middle) oat/peanut butter slices and tried a new recipe for chocolate and nut sponge fingers. This ended up tasting lovely but I cooked it in too small a tray and it overflowed - still even the crispy edgey bits tasted good.

H/m lasagne for tea - menu plan still working exceedingly well

Feb housekeeping left - £67.37 left (Asda price match - total Feb refund - £4.61)
(£50 goes into holiday fund)
Spent - my allowance - £55.49
Spent - clothes - £19.74
Spent - household - £35.99
Spent - entertainment - £72.85
Spent - Christmas 2011 - £106.25 (saved - £202.45!)

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