Saturday, 26 January 2013

Car is a write off......and stuck to food budget

Our poor car is a write off - bought for £3,700 but only get back market value which insurance company say is £1800 - less the excess (didnt realise oh had put such a high one on) of £500 means £1300 to get a decent car.... However, I didnt realise you can bargain with the insurance company (oh's pal told him) so when they offered £1800 he refused. They came back to him with £2000 - again, he refused - and at this point said he was going to discuss it with a lawyer.....they rang back and offered him £2,200 - he said he would accept a final offer of £2,500 and they agreed! Still doesnt make up for losing a damn good car but its better than £1800 they originally offered. Well, managed to stick to £50 per week food budget for the last 4 weeks - actually £1.32 over which was a bit naughty but serves me right for taking oh shopping! Had a look at Approved Foods but nothing was tempting me - taking account of the postage (£5 odds) I would be looking at doing a big order but there was nothing there that we would eat.We still havent finished stuff from the last order so will keep an eye on it - changes all the time so it might not be too long before theres anything that interests me. DD went to the B&M store and got me 4 x £1 pump toothpastes and 4 x£1 Simple shower gel for youngest dd as its the only kind she can use. I have tried to use cheaper toothpaste in the tubes but the mess my family make with them (and can never put the lid back on!!!) its worth buying the pumps at this price. This came out of my houskeeping budget but will save me money in the long run. I dont have a pantry cupboard - would love one but my teeny flat is too small so my pantry stuff goes in IKEA drawers (the antonius wire kind) and under the spare bed (full of loo roll at the moment) So I am looking to do an on-line order this week as I have run out of heavier stuff such as tins and soap powder.


  1. Oh wow, I didn't know you can haggle with the car insurance company either! Well done you for getting so much extra for it!

  2. oh dear, not a good start to the year, but good for you for haggling. I shall bear that in mind for the future (hopefully I won't need it though!)

  3. Shame about your car. Yes I knew about haggling with the insurance company, read about it on Money Saving Expert Forum. I didn't have to haggle about my pay out. I telephoned the garage I bought it from and they told me how much they would be asking for it if it was on their forecourt for sale. The insurance company pretty well offered that.

  4. Sorry about your car. Good on the haggling though.

  5. When our car was written off (by somebody driving into it when it was parked by the side of the road) My husband did some research and worked out what the car was worth. The insurance people asked him what he thought the car was worth and he said the top end of the range of prices thinking that they would haggle. They agreed instantly so he realised that he should have said more. The car was old but had nothing wrong with it and we were very happy with it. It cost us a lot of money to get a replacement and I still miss the old one because it was so much easier to park. Good for you for haggling!

    I've got my pantry food stored in creative corners too : )

  6. Well done you for haggling!
