Heaven help us! our bunny (a cute dwarf lop eared called Bonzo) has been "off" recently so took him to the vets last week - they thought it was his teeth and gave him antibiotics (£26 thank you) and he had to go to the bunny dentist today - he had his back teeth filed down and is now a happy bunny - that will be another £58 thank you! Thank heavens for savings!
Otherwise - breakfast at Asdas (my eldest dd and me as we had to have the bunny up at the vets at the crack of dawn!) - £7
Visit to the pictures to see Wild Target - a British comedy with Bill Nighy which was quite good - £5.60 for both of us
and £4.60 on stationery for youngest for school.
June housekeeping - £90.27 left (might be able to put this in the holiday fund!)
Extra Holiday fund - £28.50
My allowance I have left - £12
Entertainment - £24
Household - £68.60
Spent with money paid back - £423.63
A quick lesson
16 hours ago