Saturday, 30 January 2010

January round up

Well I thought this only spending on needs not wants would be tough but I didn't realise how much I had got into the habit of it! Yesterday I had my Friday-mocha-latte which added another £1.60 onto next months allowance! Good job next month is a short one!

Just goes to show how much is just habit - buying stuff when you really really really don't need it. That was the whole point of my monthly allowance was to be able to indulge myself but even that is getting too much....

Time to rein things in....

We want to go away for a Mon-Fri trip in the caravan soon so I really need to concentrate on my spending!

Jan grocery spend - £248 (and £17.64 to come off Febs!)
Holiday fund - £50
My allowance - £50.00 (and £15 to come off Febs!)
Household spend - £92.64

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