Sunday, 14 March 2010

Happy Mothers day!

Got some lovely cards and choccies - ended up at the cinema to see Alice in Wonderland which was great in 3d - used our cinema cards and what was left on the Vue gift card so it only cost around £9. Went for a nice meal (paid for by OH and eldest dd) - popped into Asda on the way home and as usual couldnt just buy bread and milk - spent £16.02 (did include reduced rolls/cakes down to 10p etc which have gone into the freezer)

March grocery spend - £136.78 (budget £250)
Holiday fund - £196.76 ( last hol cost £442)
My allowance I have left - £23.05
Clothes - £8.35
Birthdays - £2.97
Household - £32.46
Entertainment - £70.78

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