So decided it would be a frugal day - I made up a picnic! Had already decided to go to Dobies for inspiration for the garden and would take the picnic to Vogrie Country park.

Off we went - determined not to spend any money at Dobies (actually fairly easy in there as I refuse to pay the price of stuff!) But as usual got sucked in....they had a sale bit and I got 3 mm-mms (that's code talk for surprises!!) for birthdays reduced from £5.99 each to 99p so they have been put in my gift box. Then bought 2 packs of seeds - lettuce and rocket (and got another free - aubergines) for £3. The park was really nice as there was loads of snow so we walked for nearly 40 minutes after having our picnic in the car.
Then feeling very chuffed we headed home but dd decided on a wee de-tour to our local re-cycling furniture shop as she has been after a smaller tv stand - got one she really liked and then spotted 2 leather sofas which she has now bought! I bought a cupboard for our tiny bathroom to keep towels in - really pleased with it and it only cost £7 (some of the stuff can be quite pricey in there - people give it to them and to be quite frank, they charge quite a bit for it) In fact we saw a mahogany unit my dd had given to them and they were charging £30 for it - she had already tried to give it away on Freecycle and nobody wanted it!

March grocery spend - £63.47
Holiday fund - £196.76 ( last hol cost £442)
My allowance I have left - £49.50
Clothes - £5.85
Birthdays - £2.97
Household - £10
Hiya, a new follower and reading your blog from the beggining. Just had to comment on your picnic hamper; it's lovely! Read a bit more now.