Went to the hospital with eldest dd and got another all clear so she has now been cancer free for 9 months!!!!! yayyyyyy
So off we went shopping as she had a lot of her Christmas money left to spend - she got loads of stuff and I got some great bargains ready for Christmas next year. M&s had their wrapping paper reduced from £3.50 a roll to 49p so got lots - some nice holgraphic paper too which will do for birthday presents during the year. Bought lunch (out of my allowance)
My Sainsburys and BHS deliveries arrived - very pleased - best bargain - £20 worth of Christmas cards for £3. Got not only xmas bits but birthday presents too. Got 8 nice china mugs for £4 (from £12) and pillows (in desperate need!) £10 from £25.
Our rabbit had to go back to the vet again (his teeth get very overgrown very quickly) so that was another £13 as it was just the front ones this time.
So, that's my spending over for another wee while (although I have to get books for my Open University course so will be scouring ebay for these)
Jan housekeeping left - £141
Spent - my allowance - £16
Spent - household - £14
Spent - emergency fund - £13
Spent - birthday fund - £17
Look out for the Red Arrows
4 hours ago
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