Well my Asda delivery came on time today! last week it was 55 minutes late - this week it arrived at 3.30 which was grand.
Substitutes were fine, my metal mixing bowl was out of stock :( (my plastic ones are really too big and I'm too much of a clutz to get a ceramic one).
Went to www.asdapriceguarantee.co.uk and logged in with my on-line account and they compared trolleys with all the major stores - didn't qualify for a voucher but at the moment they are doing some kind of 10% cheaper dealio so am entitled to a grand total of 48p! Oooo what will I spend it on??????
(my driving lesson was cancelled today - he had a sickness bug - he was not lying on the floor in a foetal position rocking back and forth as has been suggested by sceptics of my driving ability - due another one tomorrow - fingers crossed)
Feb housekeeping left - £194.36 left
(£50 goes into holiday fund)
Spent - my allowance - £5.89
Spent - clothes - £14.74
Spent - household - £35.99
Spent - entertainment - £15.85
Spent - Christmas 2011 - £106.25 (saved - £202.45!)
Look out for the Red Arrows
4 hours ago
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