Zoomed off to Marksies with my eldest dd as I was in desperate need of a decent bra - I have been buying them from our local Asda and yes, they are only £2 in the sales but I really need better support.
I hate bra shopping with a passion but after only the third bra I got a perfect fit! Very pleased so am now the proud owner of a white one and a turquoise one and what a difference they make (the girls were indeed travelling south on their own accord!) This will come out of my clothes budget.
Then had to have lunch (well, its a Tuesday!) so that was £7.15 (from my allowance)
DD wanted some new foundation which she got and I asked if I could try some on - bad move as I got a perfect colour and really nice on my skin so that was another £15 - sadly to say it was a want not a need as I have been using up some makeup that wasn't exactly the right colour. I have now been brave and chucked it out. Then as I was in Boots (and on a roll) I got 2 spray in conditioners for my hair (which at times looks like a birds nest) - buy-one-get-one-free so it was £3.69 (I'm being naughty and taking that from my grocery budget as this includes all toiletries)
So tonight is Aquafit so that will be another £4.20...is it never ending???? lol - so looks like I have no allowance left - help jings ma boab - that one good thing this blog is doing is showing me where all my money is going....
Feb grocery spend - £79.16
Holiday fund - £100
My allowance - all gone and am 15p in debt to March's allowance (help!)
From Savings - £27
Entertainment - £73
Household - £5
Clothes - £24
Look out for the Red Arrows
6 hours ago
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