Monday, 22 February 2010

I would love to have a minimalistic house....

I really would but fight against my untidy nature all the time! So the first picture is of my sitting room - its long and narrow and I don't like the furniture but its all in decent nick so it will be staying for quite a while!I am now going to shame myself and actually put photos up of my spare room - it has gone from bad to worse and now you cant actually see the bed! It doubles up as the computer/sewing room but you can hardly even get in the door. Quite a lot of the xmas stuff is still to go back into our shed but as we have the rabbit hutch in there during the cold weather it might be a while before it leaves the building.

(while all this excitement has been going on I have ordered an Xmas pressie from the net - 18 dvd set for £12.88 - cant say what it is as there are prying eyes read this blog! - comes out of my Xmas budget)

Feb grocery spend - £116.72
Holiday fund - £123 ( last hol cost £442)
My allowance - all gone and am 15p in debt to March's allowance (help!)
From Savings - £27
Entertainment - £73

Household - £5
Clothes - £24

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